Greetings to you my beloved reader, oh how shamefaced I am, lucky thing you can’t see how hard I am really trying to down play the shame and embarrassment written all over my face as it has been exactly two years since I published my last piece…Yeah, I know it has been ages; Oh how time flies and I’m sure you can’t wait to hear my explanation, we sure do have a lot of catching up to do, a lot of real talk as well as a couple of hard pills to swallow.

So, the other day I got really lost in my thoughts chilling to some Mozart as I went through my archive of throwback photos and I can’t argue with the fact that these really are different times.  The moment we’re all currently living is unique, unique in the history of the 21st century and this moment is going to become even more or has already been unique for you personally my esteemed reader. In fact, this crisis in which we are right now will probably mark the beginning of a new cycle in our lives, of a new era; this will affect each one of us in one way or another. How we’re going to live like in the coming months will be the beginning of one of the most intense periods of our entire lives!

“This piece might be the last one you come across” once a trader in G-Mall told me; of course he was just being waxy lyrical for his product but it got me wondering, what if it was? What if he was right? Will I regret not having taken it? Well, we had quite a lengthy negotiation which fortunately led to a consensus. I don’t think it is in vain that I shifted the way I used to think about some things as well as analysing situations every now and then. I later on remember rhetorically wondering about the trader’s statement and among the points that I picked was the fact that it is very important to look at things through the other person’s lens as well because by so doing, you’ll find out other fundamental facts that you might have missed initially. With that you can compare or relate the same to your point of view.

Interestingly, as far as you are concerned, there can only be two results that matter. The point where you don’t conform to the other person’s analogies and you remain firmly grounded to yours. Alternatively, you may find that the two of you can actually subscribe to the same school of thought, you are both willing to accommodate each other’s ideas. This leads to the meeting of minds, a midpoint, you are able to strike a balance. That is what actually caught my attention, I mean; it was the balance for me! At times we find ourselves in situations where we are juggling with just so much in life. Each and every single one of them is essential in its own way. In most scenarios, we try our best to manage them all but it gets to a point and others become more demanding than the rest. We tend to pay more attention to them and end up neglecting some.

Since that day, I realised that being able to strike a balance is a lifesaving skill. I won’t shy away to the fact I was among the statistics of people who struggle with the deficiency of that skill but not anymore. Day in day out, we are all constantly trying to get to or trying to realise our ultimate potentials, prosper professionally, experience total sentimental fulfilment, scale high financial heights you name it but we intentionally or subconsciously forget to check on other basic but essential elements in our lives like our manners, our physical and mental health, our relationship with others, our hobbies and the projects so dear to our hearts Over time I have really put in effort trying to strike a balance in my life and I can proudly confirm that all is well because as you can see, here I am back to writing.

As it is written, ‘to whom much is given, much will be required’, amidst of the things that we have to deal with or be involved in, as many as they are, the moment we master the art of striking a balance numerous opportunities will present themselves to us. I am one who believes that everything has an explanation. Sometimes the universe is courteous enough to prepare us for new cycles in our lives. For instance, right now we are in the middle of a pandemic, these insanitary and economic crises that we’re living through will bring a true rebirth in my opinion, we will have to mutate because life will be completely transformed as we are witnessing every passing day.

I wish to conclude by challenging you to master this art of Striking a Balance and I am more than sure that soon you will have your own kind of testimony. I also hope that I will keep the promise of gracing you with weekly posts because, no one knows, “This might be the last piece you come across.”

10 thoughts on “IT IS THE BALANCE FOR ME.

  1. This is my first time reading your blog
    Its amazing..
    And am gonna apply the art of balance
    Great peace.. Please write more🤗


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